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brain2body has taken every care in preparation of this web site. brain2body makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or the accuracy or completeness of information, content, materials or products included on this site. opinions expressed in reviews, articles or websites linked to the brain2body website are not necessarily those of brain2body
training material and other electronic forms, fact sheets and tools provided on this site are samples for review and not for use in the workplace. brain2body makes no claims or warranties of any kind in respect to any information provided on this web site. The content of this website and the associated links to third party websites and resources represent the best endeavours of brain2body. the intent of the website and associated information are to provide useful information on the subjects concerned, however brain2body, the authors and third party publishers make no representations to the suitability of material, content or opinion to reader’s or participants’ circumstances, as they are providing neither consultancy nor professional services. brain2body shall not be liable for any loss or damages, no matter how incurred
certain links in this site will lead to websites, which are not under the control of brain2body. when you activate any of these you will leave this website and brain2body has no control over any external web site, body or organisation and will accept no liability for these sites and the material that you find exhibited on those sites