learn to move

move to learn
jenny rounds
at brain2body we believe that the sensory motor movements of brain gym® can allow us to achieve homeostasis, by empowering us to better connect our cognitive, emotional, and physical selves
brain gym® is the registered name given to the sensory motor movement program of educational kinesiology (edu-k)
edu-k is a process for re-educating the whole mind/body system to enable functioning with greater ease and efficiency. it is learning through the awareness of muscles and their movements
more about brain gym®
brain gym® is a lifelong educational, movement-based program. the simple movements integrate the whole brain, senses and body, preparing the person with the physical skills they need to live and learn more effectively
brain gym® is the core of educational kinesiology (edu-k), the study and application of posture and movement. incorporating 26 specific, easy and enjoyable activities, brain gym® develops the brain’s neural pathways the way nature does – through movement – and can be used to enhance academic skills, relationships and physical coordination. it is the result of many years of research into learning and brain function by american educator, dr paul dennison PhD
brain gym® is now used in over 80 countries. it is recognised as a safe, effective and innovative educational and self-development tool, which integrates body and mind to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in many areas such as concentration, memory, reading, writing, organising, listening, physical coordination, attitude and motivation
brain gym® is recognised by the NDIS for self-managed participants. get in touch with your case manager to find out if you qualify
unlock your potential